Sunday, October 26, 2014

What I Like To Do For Fun On Animal Jam Or AJ

Hello guys how you doing? Lol anyway right now i am playing Animal Jam.So today I will being telling you about me on Animal Jam.Usually i go to jamma township and see if there are any stores or anything exiting.Oh yeah tomorrow is rare monday cause today is the 26th 2014 october.My cousin just left.:d.Any way on Animal Jam i usually like to go to the adopt center or saferi forest or what ever it is called too.At the Adopt Center i usually look for a bunny who is brown and black that has snowy eyes.I love when they have snowy eyes.At saferi forest I just go play or be a deer.Well see you guys on my next post or blog i make alot of blogs lol.So yeah, today is the 26th 2014 october.

Please Send Me A Jam A Gram Saying I Want To Be Your Buddy From Your Or The Bloghey

Hey guys, i was wondering if any buddy wanted to buddy me on animal jam.Because, A peron just now or a few minutes maybe five ago, a person tried to buddy me,It might not be your guys.I was just wondering in was a wolf not a artic wolf, with lightning stripes I think, and a eye patch, He aslo had green a little maybe some yellow and black too.Oh and it was a boy.So today is the 26th 2014 october.Oh and at the bottom right now i will be posting Animal Jam ANIMALS  and you will see which one is more popular send me a bell thing idk just send me something i guess lol.So here we go vote.:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD smiles too.

What Do You Think?

Hey guys, i have decided that,maybe every week or so I will do a What Do You Think?.Okay so What Do You Think is about Animal jam,well sorta.I will dress my Animal on Animal Jam in many different ways maybe three or four.And you guys will decide which of my styles are best.So you can send me a bell or something like that, or a comment or something.I will lable each picture with a number.Oh and before you see my pictures today is the 26th 2014 october.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

My Animal

Hey guys this blog is about Animal Jam.I hope you like it.So number one if you play Animal Jam i want you to buddy me.I will tell you my use.It is WOLFY10704.So just send me a jam a gram if you know me from my blog.And tell me  if you want to be my buddy or no.You can also come see my den i will unlock it for you guys.Again, you may need to buddy me so i don't think your a stranger in my den.:D.So at the end of this blog i will post a picture of what I look like.But, for now, we will talk about animal jam.Oh, and by the way today is October 25th 2014.Anyway if you have an extra spike collar or rare spike collar please send me one if so kind.So I want to tell you guys about Animal Jam me.On Animal Jam,I'm mostly back and the inside is brown i have ligthning stripes, that are brown.My eyes are a snowy blue, and i usually wear bow and arrows, a black moon necklace, and this little white wrinkly things for your paws.OH and my Animal on Animal Jam is an Artic Wolf.Plus I am a member.:D.So here's my pictures Of My Animal Jam Animal.